Post-Incident Business Continuity Management


Crude oil transportation truck. Working with Operator and Health and Safety Manager.

Business continuity planning is a pivotal and essential task for an organization to continue to function even after a disastrous event. Adverse events should be anticipated with ongoing management and governance supported by senior officers to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to:

  • Identify the impact of potential losses
  • Maintain viable recording functions
  • Recovery strategies and plans
  • Ensure continuity of products/services through: exercise, rehearsal, testing, training, maintenance and assurance

Field verification and audit of EHS management in chemical plant operations in Chile.

In the event that an incident occurs, proper planning will significantly mitigate negative impacts on the organization, assist with early recovery and the avoidance of business interruption.

ICON has worked with major corporations at all levels of management to develop policy, strategy, and plans designed to achieve effective disaster preparedness, contingency planning and business continuity measures.

In addition, ICON has participated in on-site teams (strike teams) to coordinate and mitigate events during actual emergencies. This experience includes working with first-line responders from operations, community service providers and regulatory agencies.

ICON's focus is to ensure a coordinated effort that will result in minimal impact to operations, employees, the community and the environment and will facilitate business continuity.