Corporate Sustainability
Sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are becoming the basis for measuring successful operating practices in locations where business is conducted. Sustainable and responsible business practices involve an uncompromised commitment to safe workplaces, ethical business practices, human rights and community initiative core values.
In making this commitment, companies can realize a positive impact on long-term business success and stockholder values. There are many guidelines to help companies decide on options for sustainability management. In the absence of industry standards, ICON has incorporated governmental directives, science and accepted public policies in order to help set corporate goals for sustainability and CSR.
ICON has been on the leading edge of formulating and championing measures for resource sustainability and other CSR activities for 20 years.
ICON also participated in defining the CSR measurement tool for the World Environment Center and the Environmental Self-Assessment Program for GEMI, both used by multinational corporations to improve sustainability and CSR practices.